# How to hack *by Javantea* *Aug 4, 2019* Challenge title: Challenge text: > We need this video for the big show. But somebody encrypted it and lost the key. Would you reverse for us real quick? We need the original video byte-for-byte. The key in hex would also be sufficient. * dist/ The challenge is just to reverse engineer No problem. We get to finally crack all these encrypted HTML videos we've been watching on Netflix, VRV, Amazon, and HBO. The website is pretty simple. It's got a video of [a CTF solution from a recent CTF]( There's a flag at the end, `CTF{congratsyoufoundmycreds}`. I wonder if that's the solution. No, why would that be the solution? We didn't reverse anything yet. The video is corrupted at the end. Could the flag be written to the end of the video file? Running strings on the encrypted file shows nothing. This html code has no copyright, I wonder who wrote it. Okay, so it was copied directly from the demo. That seems promising. Okay, so there are keys in this tutorial. Did they copy the tutorial? ``` packager \ in=h264_baseline_360p_600.mp4,stream=audio,output=audio.mp4 \ in=h264_baseline_360p_600.mp4,stream=video,output=h264_360p.mp4 \ in=h264_main_480p_1000.mp4,stream=video,output=h264_480p.mp4 \ in=h264_main_720p_3000.mp4,stream=video,output=h264_720p.mp4 \ in=h264_high_1080p_6000.mp4,stream=video,output=h264_1080p.mp4 \ --enable_widevine_encryption \ --key_server_url \ --content_id 7465737420636f6e74656e74206964 \ --signer widevine_test \ --aes_signing_key 1ae8ccd0e7985cc0b6203a55855a1034afc252980e970ca90e5202689f947ab9 \ --aes_signing_iv d58ce954203b7c9a9a9d467f59839249 \ --mpd_output h264.mpd \ --hls_master_playlist_output h264_master.m3u8 ``` I didn't see h264_master.m3u8 in the Network request tab of Firefox, is that on the server? ``` curl -i -k https://localhost:4443/sp/h264_master.m3u8 HTTP/1.0 404 File not found ``` Okay, wait, they are using the suffix 2. ``` curl -i -k https://localhost:4443/sp/h264_master2.m3u8 HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: Neg9CTFHTTP/0.1 Python/3.6.8 Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2019 03:30:49 GMT Content-type: application/x-mpegURL Content-Length: 211 Last-Modified: Mon, 05 Aug 2019 02:41:44 GMT #EXTM3U ## Generated with version 3c26dfbd53-release #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=1823548,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=313674,CODECS="avc1.42c01e",RESOLUTION=1280x720 stream_0.m3u8 ``` Okay, now we might have the key. Let's try to decrypt. I can't find a decrypter that works. Let's try the key. It works. The flag is: 1ae8ccd0e7985cc0b6203a55855a1034afc252980e970ca90e5202689f947ab9 Now we just need the IV. J/K =] If you find a decrypter, there is a flag in the plaintext. strings will pull it out.      