# Neg9 Seattle - Jan 8, 2018 ## Meeting Vitals | | | |-|-| |**Location**|University of Washington [Map](,+185+West+Stevens+Way+Northeast,+Seattle,+Washington+98195,+United+States+of+America/@47.653273,-122.30605,19z) CSE 303| |**Date**|Monday, Jan 8, 2018| |**Time**|19:00hrs (7:00PM Pacific)| School is in session, so the doors should be unlocked! ## Meeting Agenda CTF talk by a member [Lean Coffee]( agendaless meeting format To be determined on day of meeting at the meeting. ### Presentations * CTF Talk ### Hacking * Learn how to hack or show your prowess! ### Projects * [JRSFuzz]( Dumb fuzzer for a dumb world * [Mechanical Phish]( * [ChipWhisperer]( * [Seattle Infosec Calendar]( * [Radare2]( * [Old Non-x86 Architectures]( * Feel free to add your project here. ### Misc. Info * [Dec 11, 2017 Meeting information](/Seattle-2017-12-11) * [Nov 13, 2017 Meeting information](/Seattle-2017-11-13) * [Oct 9, 2017 Meeting information](/Seattle-2017-10-09) * [Sep 12, 2017 Meeting information](/Seattle-2017-09-12) * [Aug 8, 2017 Meeting information](/Seattle-2017-08-08) ## Meeting Minutes Neg9 was locked out of the conference room. Only a few people showed up, so we used the tables on the 2nd floor. People introduced themselves. Many things were discussed. No one took notes. [Meltdown and Spectre]( were discussed and someone asked for PoC. PoC was released the day after the Neg9 meeting [for Meltdown]( Also [Project Zero released code]( Performance impact on Meltdown and Spectre are a major issue and may cause people to reject patching. If this is the case, understanding the vulnerabilities and how they affect your use case is more important. A proposal was made to repeal the CFAA. Arguments for were given. Arguments against were discussed. The talk involved a small difficult CTF. Challenges will be posted in in the coming months. ### Final Scoreboard |Team Name|Score|Solves|First Blood| |-|-|-|-| |andrewx|50|1|✓| |OwO|50|1| | |aeiro|50|1| | |Neg9|0|0| | The CTF was a learning experience for everyone involved. The difficulty was far too high for a 2 hour event, so next events will have very low barrier or have less cryptic clues. Everyone who played had good ideas, so keep learning. ---- CategoryLocalMeetings